Feral Cats Need Love Too

Want to Help?

Donate to Erie Gives:

We are so grateful for your assistance in this cause. If it weren't for your help, we wouldn't be able to save all the lives we save. You are the ones who make it possible for us to do what we do, and we appreciate it every day. Please accept our sincerest thanks!

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We are often very low on funds, and there are many ways you can help! Any and all donations are greatly appreciated, and 100% of everything collected goes directly toward caring for the animals. Besides food, shelter, and upkeep, this includes: spayed /neuter, distemper & rabies vaccinations, de-worming, wound care, medication, and flea treatment for the animals we take in or foster.

Our organization is non-profit, so we operate on money and items donated to us. Here is how you can help!

Accident Fundraiser:
The GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for abandoned kittens.

Amazon Wishlist:
The Erie TNR Amazon Wishlist which  always has much-needed items on it and can be purchased tax-free and shipped directly to us.  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/46-2116322

You can also do a direct donation to our veterinarian, Dr. Jessica Bahl at Perry Pet Clinic, 9880 Perry Highway Waterford, PA 16441. Perry Pet Clinic contact number 814-796-4326.   If you donate by mail, put Erie Trap and Release on your check memo. If you donate by phone, the phone number is 814-873-6265, and just let them know that you want to donate to the Erie Trap and Release account. 

WISH LIST: If you wish to donate goods, these items are always needed and can be dropped off at our address or at one of our numerous events (follow us on Facebook for updates!) 

  • Dry cat/kitten food
  • Canned cat food
  • Kitten supplement milk
  • Kitten bottles
  • Non clumping cat litter or any litter
  • Flea drops
  • De-worming medication
  • Terramycin
  • Large/medium/small blankets
  • Sterile artificial tears
  • Saline nasal spray
  • Bleach (HE)
  • Cotton balls / Q-Tips
  • Towels & washcloths (new or used)
  • Sponges
  • Doggy pads
  • Laundry detergent (HE)
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Garbage bags, brown grocery bags, plastic grocery bags
  • Paper towels
  • Gift cards to stores carrying any of the above items / Coupons for cat items.